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Difference Between Ballistic And Cruise Missile
Difference Between Ballistic And Cruise Missile With Examples
A missile is one of the most important technological advanced projectile which is used for various purpose like scientific, military and space exploration....
ballistic missi
Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme And System
An anti ballistic missile (ABM) is a surface to air missile which is designed in such a way, to counter ballistic missiles. Ballistic missiles are used...
What Is Genomic Technology, Genome And Its Types?
It is defined as the study of the genome. Genomes are nothing but the collection of genes. In the study of genomics the most important project has been...
shaking hands
123 Agreement Between US And India
123 agreement was signed in the year 2007 because as per Section 123 of US Atomic Energy Act which says if a Country has signed an NPT and the US President...
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