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Sensors And Actuators
Difference Between Sensors And Actuators And Their Types (2024)
Ever wondered how your smartphone knows when to rotate the screen or how a smart thermostat keeps your home cozy without you lifting a finger? The answer...
Cyber Physical Systems
What Is Cyber Physical Systems? Examples And Applications
Do you people know the concept behind self driving cars, surgical robots, and those smart clothing with built-in sensors? How do they actually work? What...
Synthetic Seed
What Is Synthetic Seed Production, Technology And Overview
A seed is what grows into a whole new plant and can be called a fundamental unit of plant right. But sometimes environmental and agricultural conditions...
stems that we eat
10 Stems That We Eat As Vegetables With Chart (2024)
We’ve eaten so many delicious fruits and vegetables offered by the plants right. But here’s the interesting part, did you know that we can...
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